Calculated fields – Ability to set a field value by performing statistical and arithmetic calculations on other fields within the same item, parent item, or children - Read more.
Asynchronous PDF Preview creation on upload and PDF Preview link on signing.
Allowed Children System Field - Control the children's work items a user can create under a specific parent item with the 'Allowed Types' System Field.
The original ID is now displayed alongside the branched ID of an item so users can depend on it when needed throughout the item's life cycle.
Import children from CSV - A new option to import items directly under a parent item in the tree.
User Profile: Update creation method to prevent Admin User mistakes.
Dashboard improvements: Change owner option and clearer Private/Public indication.
Display the Start Routing comment inside the cover letter.
Test steps: When typing a step's details and then clicking elsewhere, a popup will appear, allowing you to save and continue.
Improved display of error messages in a popup dialog instead of the red ribbon.
Display the account name on the Login dialog.
Display the System table link inside the Fields Edit screen.
The Custom Fields section now includes System fields and was renamed Fields Management.
A new option to remove the file name from being displayed on the cover letter.
Export to Word: Support Headings in German and other languages.
Import Excel - It does not require an external ID as a mandatory field column.
Copy As Link items: improve visibility on search results and Filters.
The Show Change number option is now also impacting the display of the number on the cover letter.