Find out what's new at Orcanos.
New Releases and Announcements.
Users can now Add from Template with children in the Work Items view (in the pool).
New link to directly call "Add from Template".
Many bug fixes.
Enhance Children Tab to be enabled for work items that are in the pool.
Enhance Children Tab work item actions and adding Multi Delete.
New Duplicate item action to duplicate an item under the same parent in the tree.
Enhance Numeric fields to support Null and 'Not Applicable" states.
Numeric field - New ability to control of the decimal number places.
Admin: Fields layout - improved usability by having two separate scrollbars for each side.
Many bug fixes.
Fix caching SCAN issue and improve performance.
Update files extensions whitelist.
Fix the FMEA settings values order.
Fix the Calculated Fields tooltip and an error on function using children.
Fix the Dashboard Panel History report.
Fix Import Children.
Fix the Mass Update functionality.
Removing the Extended History Report from the panels menu.
More bug fixes.
Search Enhancements - search across all projects with partial text and an improved Search Results grid.
View Document in Training Task - quick access to the required read-and-understand document
The Share Filter Option is back.
Improved REST APIs for Test Executions and Test Steps.
Many bug fixes.
Calculated fields – Ability to set a field value by performing statistical and arithmetic calculations.
Asynchronous PDF Preview creation on upload and PDF Preview link on signing.
Allowed Children System Field - Control the children's work items a user can create under a specific parent item.
The original ID is now displayed alongside the branched ID of an item.
A new option to Import children from CSV.
and so many bug fixes.
Save test step results on every step run.
Improve Locate on Tree and View Item to be in the current solution context.
Admin: Clone Work Item with all relevant data.
Improve the display of the Description HTML.
Improve Dynamic filter column width with auto-fit.
Many bug fixes.
Fix image size in DocGen tables.
Add Auto_Fit_to_Content for dynamic tables DocGen.
Fix Recycle Bin (Trash) with large data is not loaded.
“Get_Execution_Run_Details_XML” API should work with the Test Original ID and Return Original ID.
Fixing the sync between User Profiles and the Users tables.
Fix signing with SSO - cookies issue.
New method to embed field’s data into documents generated PDFs.
Display routing distribution list in the E-Sign tab.
Show PDF Preview only for the latest Draft revision.
‘Next Signer’ alert type for sending notifications.
Many bug fixes.
Allow to Export Tree for a work item of type MDF.
SAML SLO as a configuration option.
Improve the message in case of mass update of non-editable section fields.
Many more bug fixes.
Control section editability based on the work item status.
AI - Ask Paul Improvements.
Compare tags dialog improvement.
Many bug fixes.
Ask Paul - Beta Improvements.
New User complete registration process now supports completing registration with SSO.
The dynamic filter max limit is now 100 results by default.
Option for the Hide/Show Data button to remember its last state.
New REST APIs to handle system tables.
Many bug fixes.
Ask Paul – our new AI assistant is now in Beta!
It is incredibly easy to Ask Paul for suggestions and to have him create new traced items of any kind.
To join the Ask Paul Beta, please contact
Ask Paul – our new AI assistant is now in Beta!
Dashboards improvements.
Show/Hide Data button to display Embedded Filters data in the item description
A new and clear indication that an approved item (signed item with Routing State = Approved) displays static data.
A new option to display static data in the item description when an item is Approved (Routing State) and Frozen.
Updated the Login page layout with a more explicit “Login with Single Sign On” button.
Many more improvements and Fixes.
Option to show static data only when the item is Frozen and Approved (Routing state).
Improve Traceability Matrix in case of no test results and limit Dashboard report to 1000 lines.
Improve generating online DocGen from tags.
Improved performance to reduce server-side load.
Approved DMS Item now shows dynamic data to show the updated status of training records.
Improve thread handling on writing to the error log.
Clear site data (Browser Cache) on a new version upgrade.
Improve contrast of UI Font and color.
Add support of AWS SES SMTP to send emails.
Adding the ability to replace Work Item icons.
Complete new look and feel.
Usability enhancements.
Many improvements and fixes.
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